Payday團隊曾經使全美執法單位與民眾聞風喪膽,據說就連遠如俄羅斯都逃不出他們的魔爪。 這個神通廣大的犯罪集團肆無忌憚地犯下無數搶案,卻每每皆能安然脫身、逍遙法外。
然而就在某天,那些驚天動地的搶案戛然而止。 Payday團隊從此銷聲匿跡,不知所終。
"Payday 3's cooperative heists are off to a strong start..." - IGN
"It’s an easy recommend for series fans." - Stevivor
"The game’s heists are carefully designed to give the player a thousand and one different ways to bag that coveted cash." - VideoGamer
看全部PAYDAY 3: Beginner’s Guide to Crime
This video is for anyone who wants to learn how to play PAYDAY 3, and those that simply want a quick refresher.
PAYDAY 3: Update 2.0.1 Changelog – Jacket Character Pack
Featuring the Jacket Character Pack, the new OVERSKILL system, new Twitch Drops, and more!
PAYDAY 3: Dev Update 11 – Jacket Pack & OVERSKILL Q&A
In today's Dev Update, we talk about the 2.0.1 Update, Jacket Character Pack, Twitch Drops, Don't Be A Hero, and more! We also cover more info about Jacket and the OVERSKILL system in a Q&A.
PAYDAY is Back

在《PAYDAY 3》盡情宣洩你的貪婪。 除了黃金、大鈔、珠寶和潛藏的貴重物品外,還有各式武器、外觀可供收藏。以此為基礎,一步一步建立起自己的威名。

在《PAYDAY 3》,無論是要潛入或是開幹;要放走人質還是抓起來當成籌碼;要單打獨鬥還是結黨成群──要如何完成搶案,都由玩家決定。 你手中有無盡的選擇 。

黑白兩道無不畏懼的傳奇Payday團隊回來了。 Payday遺留的風波中誕生了新的威脅,讓金盆洗手的他們重操舊業。

搶劫這種大事,可不能隨便找個人來湊數。 《PAYDAY 3》也一樣,最好找親密的朋友一起玩,無論是兒時玩伴,或是路上結交的好友都可以。