Joined again by our porcine friend, the golden piggy, we give all heisters the chance to work together and unlock fabulous rewards for the entire community.
The Crude Awakening Bundle is the final chapter in the Texas Heat saga. We’ve been all around Texas, robbing our way through ranches, rail yards and research facilities, spreading fear and chaos across Texas. Now, it’s time for the riveting finalé.
Santa has crashed his sled and needs our help! Those nasty cops have the audacity to try to have a good time without us. This won’t stand! If anyone’s gonna ruin the holidays, it’s gonna be us. So check your mags, and check them twice, we’ll have a slug for both naughty and nice.<
Headed out to sea, the Payday Gang aims to hit two birds with one stone, incapacitating one of the Triad’s best money-makers and making a considerable dent in their stored riches.
The Jiu Feng Smuggler Pack 3 includes an assault rifle, a revolver, a pistol with optional akimbo, 11 weapon mods, 4 weapon colors and 4 weapon charms.
After successfully pulling off the Dragon Heist, the Payday Gang is reminded that violent actions can have violent consequences, and sometimes for others than yourself. It’s time to hit the San Francisco docks and rescue a friend in trouble.
More than five thousand years ago ancient Egyptians started crafting utensils to eat with. Little did they know what they set in motion. Today, using cutlery is a big part of what makes us human. But as we all know, humans can be good... and humans can be bad. Heisters, we know your pain, we have heard your calls, and we at OVERKILL salute you...
The Payday Gang travels to Chinatown, San Francisco, to mount a daring heist against an operation run by the infamous Golden Dagger Triad. The objective: to steal a priceless golden dragon statue.
The powerful Mexican drug lord Buluc has a long-standing feud with Vlad and it’s time to settle the score. The Payday Gang must infiltrate Buluc’s well-guarded mansion and assassinate him.
It’s time to visit the small town of San Martín in Mexico, where the shit is about to hit the fan with a daring bank heist! You’ll be locking horns with the Mexican federal police, who don’t want you causing trouble on their turf. Guns, mods, new outfits and weapon colors are also part of the mix in this rich bundle.
Yuletide is upon us and the events surrounding the ambush on Bain remains a mystery - there isn’t even a body. Locke has a lead that takes the gang to a bank in Brooklyn. So even though the Holidays are closing in, it’s not Santa time yet. The snow that covers New York City will soon change from white to red.
Sangres is a former hitman that left Mexico to focus on banks. But he still wants to get rich - and you don’t get rich by talking, you get rich by shooting.
The PAYDAY gang is coming through with blazing guns in Miami to take out someone that really have it coming. The Sosa cartel had the nerve to ambush one of the Butcher’s weapons smuggling operations in Central America. The Butcher is not one to be messed with and that’s how you come in. The contract is ready, the Sosa Cartel will pay.
From all of us at OVERKILL to all you heisters out there, a gift wrapped safe, yours for the taking. May the wonder of PAYDAY 2 fill your heart and home.
The Sydney Character Pack introduces the wild, raging, uncontrollable, badass aussie Sydney. It also includes Sydney’s mask, the Anarchist Perk Deck, the Wing melee knife and the Bootleg (SG-416c) assault rifle.
Two much-loved heists from PAYDAY: The Heist make a return: Counterfeit, and Undercover. The PAYDAY 2 Wolf Pack DLC is FREE for owners of the original Wolf Pack DLC from PAYDAY: The Heist.
The Yakuza Character Pack is the 27th DLC for PAYDAY 2. It allows heisters to play as Japanese heister Jiro, the Yakuza of the PAYDAY gang. Other than Jiro himself, it includes the Yakuza perk deck, Jiro's mask, the Shinsakuto-Katana melee weapon and the Micro Uzi
The Alesso Heist DLC is the 23rd DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and is a collaboration with the DJ Alesso. Navigate through the Gensec arena, quiet or loud, and keep the show going while trying to crack Gensec's state of the art exhibition vaults containing loads of cash.
In Shadow Raid, we launched a silent midnight burglary on the Murkywater warehouse down on the docks. Today, we're headed back. Vlad has received word that those shady mercenary bastards have some fresh merchandise in stock. Vlad's being cagey about what it is, but he's offering top dollar for it. The catch: we need to move fast. No time for any planning, and stealth isn't an option.
The weapons that tamed the west. The Western Weapon Pack is our 21st DLC for PAYDAY 2. Stare down the law with these older than old school weapons that still pack a punch. Automatic fire is for people who can't aim anyway, right?
The BBQ Weapon Pack is our 20th DLC for PAYDAY 2. Amp up your play style with the Fire based weapons so you can spew out flames like only a dragon could.
Between 13-21 March we will host the Spring Break event where we give away all the free stuff that was unlocked during the Hype Train event. Just like during the Crimefest event last year, one new thing will be released each day.
Heisters, this is a great day. Once more, OVERKILL and Dennaton Games work together to bring you something awesome. When you buy Hotline Miami 2 or its Digital Special Edition, we're giving you extra PAYDAY 2 loot to go with it. Did you ever want to play as Jacket in PAYDAY 2? Now's your chance.
All of us at OVERKILL Software and Starbreeze Studios sincerely hope you had a wonderful holiday, and would like to wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015.
The Diamond Heist DLC is the 13th DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds the fourth heist from the new contact known as the Dentist. It's time to shine for the PAYDAY gang with the most exciting heist yet - the Diamond heist.
The Gage Assault Pack DLC is the tenth DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds an arsenal of assault weapons to the PAYDAY gang to control the chaos of the battlefield.
The Gage Shotgun Pack DLC is the ninth DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds Gage's favorite shotguns to the player's weapon arsenal. Depending on what kind of ammo type you use, the shotgun pellets you fire can have armor penetration or be explosive, stunning your opponents.
The Big Bank DLC is the eighth DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds the new contact the Dentist, the biggest heist yet called the Big Bank as well as the new Preplanning feature. This is the ultimate bank robbery - achieved by stealthy guile or relentless force. Can you make history by planning the perfect heist?
The Shadow Raid Heist is the fourth free heist update to PAYDAY 2. It allows heisters to take a new contract from Bain and Gage called the Shadow Raid job.
The Gage Mod Courier DLC is the sixth DLC for PAYDAY 2. It allows players to act as a courier for Gage the arms dealer, picking up packages containing mods that are scattered all over D.C.
The Election Day Heist is the third free heist update to PAYDAY 2. It allows heisters to take a new contract from the corrupt politician the Elephant called the Election Day job.
The Death Wish Update is the second late-game update for PAYDAY 2. It allows players to explore the new Death Wish difficulty, introduces two new enemy types, four new masks and a whopping 35 new achievements to unlock.
The Gage Weapon Pack #02 is the fifth DLC pack for PAYDAY 2. The Cloaker makes a return to put fear in the hearts of every criminal. Gage has the perfect antidote however and brings back the Light Machine Gun and introduces melee combat weapons to counter them.
The Infamy Update is the first free late-game update to PAYDAY 2. Becoming Infamous is for the players that dare to give up everything. Go beyond level 100 to become the most wanted criminals and unlock awesome new loot such as skill tier bonuses and masks. The Infamy update was a part of update 22 and is completely free for our players.
The Gage Weapon Pack #01 is the third DLC pack for PAYDAY 2. Frag Grenades make their first entry into the PAYDAY series and are bound to spice things up. With the new Grenade Case asset, players can share grenades with each other in the heists.
The Armored Transport DLC is the second DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and lets players do every heisters dream – robbing armored transports, full of valuables, right in the middle of Washington D.C. If they're lucky, they can hit it big with a classic train robbery.