

The PAYDAY gang are always looking to reach out to their fans and fellow heisters. Get following and get in-game content!

Please Note: All content on this page is only valid for the STEAM (PC) version of PAYDAY 2.

[How do I redeem a Steam Key?]

"PAYDAY 2 ®" and "OVERKILL A STARBREEZE STUDIO®" are registered trademarks of STARBREEZE AB (Publ) and New Starbreeze Publishing AB and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
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Sydney's Swim Challenge

Thank you for your interest in the Sydney Mega Mask.

Georgia Van Cuylenburg, the Face and Voice of Sydney, has been raising money for her charity, Arts Bridging the Gap, and for those who donate at least $10, you'll receive a Steam Key for a Sydney Mega Mask!

To receive the key, please do the following:

  1. Click the Donate link below, and pledge at least a $10 donation via PayPal.
  2. Forward a copy of your donation receipt to sujan@artsbridgingthegap.org , asking for a Sydney Mega Mask Steam Key
  3. You will receive a Key in a response. Simply activate the key on Steam once you have received it.

Donate Now

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Army Gray Weapon Color

Chat with your fellow heisters and the OVERKILL Crew on the Official PAYDAY 2 Discord server!

Join us and you'll get access to the Army Gray weapon color!

You'll receive a Steam Key that you can redeem in your Steam Client.


  1. Click the Go to Gleam to begin link below
  2. Click the Join Discord #welcome button on the Gleam page, and login with your Discord account
  3. Click the 'Continue' button that appears on the Gleam page once you have joined the Discord Server
  4. Allow Gleam access to Discord, so it can verify that you have joined the server
  5. You will be given a Steam Key for the Weapon Color!

Go to Gleam to Begin

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