A Quick Play button has been added to Crime.Net which allows players to instantly join a lobby without having to search for one. Players can customize the Quick Play filter in the options menu to make the instant join more efficient.

Players can now save specific loadouts and skill trees to a profile, making it easier to switch between favored build setups in the inventory or even in the job overview menu!

Players can now add other players to a banlist to make sure not to have to play with the same players again.

Whenever a player joins a lobby a sound is played for other players in the same lobby. This sound is played for example when a player is in their inventory.

Players can now give a basic stop command to the Team AI. The Team AI will stop and hold position instead of following the player. If the Team AI has the stop command active the player can give the follow command for the Team AI to follow. (Default Key [Z])

The enemy have new hitboxes that enables them to be shot in the legs. Hiding under desks is suddenly advantageous!

The PAYDAY 2 player HUD has been updated. The player HUD now displays clearer if the player has lost armor or health, but also indicating from where the enemy fire is coming.

There’s a big and passionate community out there, following the exploits of the PAYDAY gang. And the support they give to Crimenet can’t be underestimated - we wouldn’t even be in business without them. I even heard they post videos and stuff about us on the internet - so you’re famous, guys. Anyway - someone sent us this safe as a gift. I don’t even want to know how they found the address, but the people in the PAYDAY Community are as loyal as they are passionate, so they won’t rat us out, I’m sure of it.
The Safe can be obtained in the Card Loot Drop as you’ve completed a successful heist. You can also purchase, sell and trade Safes on the Steam Marketplace.

- Added the option to remap switching between deployables
- Fixed an issue where the offshore casino would charge the double amount
- Fixed that you now can see the second deployable in loadout
- Fixed an issue where fire damage crit bonus would not trigger for clients
- Reduced target focus if sentry gun suspects that the bullet may hit a shield
- Fixed an issue where the slanted screen when carrying bags would not remain if exiting bipod mode
- Using the angle mod on a sniper rifle, it is now possible to switch aim mode while aiming down sight
- Fixed an issue where the rarity background of a skin would remain when scrolling through weapons
- Fixed an issue where special enemies could be marked when dead
- Fixed an issue where the ammo bag would not refill the proper amount of ammo
- Fixed so that it is not possible to plant tripmines on some leafs
- Fixed a crash that could occur when inspecting a weapon while in bipod mode
- Fixed an issue where the downed timer would not pause when getting helped up by a team AI
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to get Stockholm syndrome triggered when being downed by a Taser or a Cloaker
- Disabled the ability to use stockholm syndrome while writing in the chat
- Fixed an issue where Hardware Expert: Aced skill would remain after being removed
- Sixth Sense: Aced, fixed an issue where the cleaning cost reduction would only work in stealth
- Fixed an animation issue when using Close By: Aced
- Fixed an issue where Combat Medic: Basic would not give the correct amount of damage reduction
- Fixed an issue where Aggressive Reload: Ace would trigger on non lethal head shot
- Fixed an issue where Painkillers: Aced would not give the correct damage reduction
- Fixed an issue where Running from Death: Basic would not give the correct reload speed bonus
- Fixed an animation issue for the Repeater 1874 when using Aggressive Reload: ACE
- Fixed an issue where “I ain't got time to bleed” would trigger when using the Chain Whip
- Fixed an issue where “BAAaa... *BANG* ...aaAAH” would not trigger
- Fixed an issue where "Commando Crew" could trigger after the ten minutes have passed
- Hotline Miami
- Fixed an issue with Delayed Police Response asset being too long
- Fixed an issue with the police ignoring the physics of a wall
- Hotline Miami day 2
- Moved some cameras that was clipping with walls
- Added collision to prevent player from entering a spawning room
- Car shop
- Fixed an issue where players would get stuck behind a door
- Firestarter day 1
- Fixed an issue where signs would not spawn correctly
- Fixed an issue where the escape and secure VO would not play correctly
- First World Bank
- Moved a briefcase that was stuck in a table
- Fixed an issue where players would get stuck behind a plant
- Rats
- Fixed an issue where players could survive the lab explosion when using specific perk decks
- The Alesso Heist
- Fixed an issue where the cutters could be duplicated
- Added collison on a door that prevents police from shooting and walking through it
- Fixed an issue where the team AI would get stuck behind the snack bar
Firestarter day 1
- Fixed some overlapping textures
- Removed an invisible collision on one of the roofs
Boiling Point
- Fixed an issue with the collision of the SAM site
- Framing Frame Day 3
- Added a collision to prevent bags from getting stuck