PAYDAY 3: Update 1.1.5 Changelog
Tech & Crashes
- Fixed physics-related crash on PS5
- Fixed crash related to DX12
- Fixed a crash that could occur when hacking the Techie drones
- Fixed a crash on the Epic Games Store version of the game
- Resolved matchmaking, sometimes taking an unduly long time or ending up finding no game
- Fixed an issue causing bodies carried while the ‘Drop cloth’ (Assassin) skill timer finishes to become undetectable
- Added info pop-up on Mask of the Week feature on PS5
- Added missing text strings when inviting a player using Nebula between EGS and Steam
- Fixed an issue on PS5 preventing players from viewing each other’s profiles
- Fixed players randomly dropping from a lobby unintentionally
- Prevented XBOX users from joining private games via friends list
- Prevented players getting stuck as “invited” when having joined a friend’s game, preventing starting a new heist or joining another lobby
- Prevented several infinite loading issues related to being in multiplayer lobbies while matchmaking
Gameplay & Heists
- Removed invisible collisions preventing shots from certain angles on PS5
- Resolved an issue where Under the Surphaze wouldn’t end despite all players being in the escape zone