August 13 2024 - 8:00 pm

PAYDAY 2’s 11th Anniversary

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Here’s to the heisters.

The Crew Chiefs. The Muscles. The Armorers. The Rogues. The Crooks. The Hitmen. The Burglars. The Infiltrators. The Sociopaths. The Gamblers. The Grinders. The Yakuza. The Ex-Presidents. The Maniacs. The Anarchists. The Bikers. The Kingpins. The Sicarios. The Stoics. The Tag Teamers. The Hackers. The Leeches. The Copycats. The loud heisters in the stealth missions. The Solo heisters. The Console heisters. The No Mercy stans. The Big Oil haters. The DSOD andy’s. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. Bulldozers can down them, Tasers can tase them, Cloakers can kick them, yell at them, vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they heist things. They push Bain’s crazy agenda forward. And while some may see them as wankers, we see genius. Because the heisters who are wankers enough to think they can heist the world, are the ones who do.

Happy birthday, PAYDAY 2.

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