9월 27 2023 - 2:50 오후

PAYDAY 2: Update 240.2 Changelog

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Hello Heisters

As you noticed Update 240 was separated into multiple releases. We’ve had some time to add some QOL and fixes that are hard to fit into a normal production schedule. We are very happy to be able to get these final improvements into the game. For example, in update 240.0 we made the anniversary events automatically return each year the piggy, and the event weapons will come back for those who can get enough of that adorable porker. Also, some holiday cheer will come back around the winter holidays to brighten up our cold heister hearts.

In this release, however, we are adding a new feature to the game that is inspired by popular mods in the community.

Interaction Styles

This feature lets you change how the game handles interactions. The system will lock interaction to let you release the button and avoid holding it down for the duration of the interaction timers. To cancel out of a locked interaction you simply need to press the button again. It is quite a complex system so it needs some explaining, Let’s dive into the fun QOL feature.

By looking under “controls” under the options menu you will find all the settings you need. The system has two key components the “Interaction Style” where you choose how the interactions should be handled and the “Toggle Timer” that drives the system. There are four interaction styles to choose from. There is also a cancel message check box more on that later.


This is the normal default behavior that you are used to. Holding the button to interact, and letting go will cancel the interaction.
The Toggle Timer has no effect in this mode.


This is the simplest way to lock an interaction. A quick click of the button and the interaction is locked. The toggle timer will be used to determine how long you need to hold the button to cancel the interaction. this is to easily cancel out accidental interactions or when you want to be able to quickly abort an interaction.
Setting the Toggle Timer to 0 will make the system function similar to the default hold mode.

For example: if you have a Toggle Timer of 2 seconds the interaction will lock as soon as you press the button but if you hold the button for longer than those 2 seconds the system will revert to the hold mode and you can release their interaction at will.

Recommendation: Have a low Toggle Timmer so you can quickly engage the system but also won’t need to wait long for it to deactivate if you choose to hold the interaction instead.

Timed Toggle

This function can be viewed as the reverse of the Toggle. You need to hold the button for a certain amount of time determined by the Toggle Timer before the interaction locks in and keeping the button held will not abort it.
Setting the Toggle Timer to 0 will make the system function similar to the Toggle mode, without the ability to automatically abort the interaction by keeping the button held down.

For example: if you have a Toggle Timer of 2 seconds the interaction will function as a normal hold interaction until you’ve held it for at least 2 seconds then you can release the button and the interaction is locked.

Recommendation: Have a medium Toggle Timmer so short interactions will be effectively held interaction but the system helps you with most interactions of average length and longer like setting up a drill.

Adaptive Toggle

This is a merge between the Toggle and a Hold depending on how long the interaction is as determined by the Toggle Timer. If the interaction is longer than what is set in the Toggle Timer the interaction will instantly look in if it is shorter then it will function like a Hold.
Setting the Toggle Timer to 0 will make the system function similar to the Toggle mode, without the ability to automatically abort the interaction by keeping the button held down.

For example: if you have a Toggle Timer of 2 seconds the interaction will function as a normal hold interaction for any interaction that is shorter than 2 seconds and if the interaction is longer it will lock in instantly when you press the button and keep the button held will not abort it.

Recommendation: Have a higher Toggle Timmer so short interactions will be effectively held interaction but the system takes over for long interactions like picklocks.

You know that the interaction has been locked in by the message on the screen, it will change to “Press F to cancel”, assuming you have F as your interaction key. If you want you can also get these messages while holding to interact. By selecting the “Cancel messages during hold” you will get messages like “release F to cancel” during the hold interactions.

PAYDAY 2: Update 240.2 Changelog
Update Size: 29.8MB

Heist optimizations & changes
  • Optimized Breakfast in Tijuana with portals
  • Fixed an issue on several heists where client players attempting to interact wasn’t possible
    • Border crossing: Connect to fuel hose on plane
    • Yacht Heist: Open the bags in the room
    • Biker Heist (Day 1): Open the gate door when taking a special part
    • Counterfeit: Add paper to the machine
    • No Mercy: pick up the telephone
    • GO Bank: pick up the telephone
    • Scarface Mansion: Insert USB in laptop

Gameplay changes
  • Fixed an issue where the enemy AI keeps melee attacking
  • Fixed an issue where team AI couldn’t run/jog when carrying bags. This results in team AI being able to carry bags with quicker haste
  • Added new control settings for tap-to-interact features.
    • Hold (Default from before)
    • Toggle
    • Timed Toggle
    • Adaptive Toggle

  • Fixed a crash where a player throws snowball throwables and a player attempts to connect to a match
  • Fixed an issue where steel sight speed multipliers were affecting crouching & standing speed
  • Added an inventory search function (compared to previous release where we only had it on store functions

Updates may be incompatible with the mods you may have installed. Even seemingly unrelated mods may cause unexpected issues. If you are experiencing any problems with the game; try removing any mods you may have installed and try again.

If you are having issues with an unmodded game you can try to verify the integrity of the game files. In the Steam library; right-click on PAYDAY 2. Select “Properties” from the menu. Under the tab “LOCAL FILES” select “VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES…”.
The process may take some time to finish.

Keep those helmets flying!

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