PAYDAY 2: Infamy 3.2 Update

Heisters! It’s time for another update to the Infamy system. If you’re new to Infamy, check out our new website that will properly introduce you to the system.
Visit What is infamy?[] to find out more.
Have you already unlocked all the previous infamous rewards? Well, you’re in luck, we have a bunch of new rewards for you to unlock for rank 82 to 99. And if you have not started on your infamy journey here are 24 more reasons to do so.
We bring lots of awesome new cosmetics for all our infamous heisters. Are you a true gangster? Then we bring you “The Executor” suit. Are you the leader of your heister crew? Then “The General” is most suited to reflect your rank. Each suit has an associated infamous glove to unlock. Now finish off the look with a nice weapon color and hit the streets with confidence and style.
Join Stinger
Join Stinger
Bad Day
Join Stinger
Join Stinger
Join Stinger
Join Stinger
Join Stinger
Plot Twang
The General – The French General
Join Stinger
The General – The Ivory General
70s driver
Join Stinger
Disco Whack
Left: The Classic General, 70s driver, The Masquerade, Gold & White
Right: The Urban Executor, The Classics, Vanity Gold, Paisley Dip
Are you lacking some DLCs? Or do you know someone who is just waiting to get into the game? Here is your chance! Check out the ongoing spring sale
Climb the ladder to be the ultimate heister.
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.