20 февраля 2020 - 6:06 пп

Upcoming changes to PAYDAY 2’s safes (and drills)

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Hello Heisters

We want to inform you about changes to how our safes function, these changes will come into effect sometime next week. Currently, there are 7 safes that aren’t in the drop rotation. These safes represent the first safes we released that, at the time of release, required drills to open them.
Due to legal rulings concerning the purchase of digital items, we’re going to be making some changes to our safes to make sure we’re in compliance with the relevant laws.

So what exactly are we changing?

Today, the only way to get the above-mentioned safes is to go on the Steam marketplace, buy a safe, and then buy a corresponding drill.
Going forward, these safes will be added to the regular rotation of droppable safes (at a low chance), and be openable without a drill. Any safes you may have in your Steam inventory will also be made openable without a drill.
Following that, we’re removing the option to buy drills, anyone who has a drill in their inventory will see them replaced with a safe of the same type so a ‘Dallas Safe drill’ will turn into a ‘Dallas Safe’. This will increase the number of skins from those safes in circulation and also make new ones more likely to appear in the future. For those of you thinking “I can buy drills now and get a lot of safes when the change happens” – yes, you could. Keep in mind however, that by the time these changes go live, it’s likely more skins will be put up on the market overall.

In addition to these changes, we are also removing the option to sell and trade safes on the marketplace or between users. You can still buy and trade the skins but you need to open the safe you get in the loot drops first.

What does this mean for me?

If you don’t currently have any safes or drills in your Steam Inventory, you will not notice any immediate changes. The main thing for you to notice is that you have an increased range of safes that can drop during your next loot card drop at the end of a heist.
If you have any safes in your inventory – Your safes will remain in your inventory. The main change is that your safe is now not tradeable, the skins are still marketable as usual.
If you have drills in your inventory- Your drill will be removed from the Inventory the next time you launch the game. Instead you will find a safe of the same type as the drill(s) you had. This safe will function as described above.

When is this change coming to the game?

We will be making these changes sometime next week. The date is still to be determined.
We are still putting together community safes so you will see more awesome skins from our talented skin artists appear from time to time.

The tl;dr:

No more drills, no more unavailable safes and no more safes in the marketplace.
We are making some changes to our safes to ensure that the popo won’t raid us (again). You still have a couple of days to purchase safes and drills with our current system, but after we make the change you can open any safe* without having to purchase a drill.

*The COP safe and drill will remain unchanged.

Keep those helmets flying!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

Via: Steam Community

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