The Auction Is About To Start!

Today we release the Shackelthorne Auction heist and a nice cocktail to go with it. Sneak in under the cover of the rainy night or just proudly walk in guns in hands. The isolated mansion in New England offers the perfect heisting opportunity for the PAYDAY gang. You need to get your hands on something that was lost for a very long time, a priceless artifact.
While downloading the update; check out the heist and its backstory as well as the latest cocktail recipe on the event site: ICEBREAKER[]
Update size: 867.2 Mb
- Fixed broken seams on the Sangres and Sangres begins masks
- All Dozers variants now have the correct face plates when the are shot off
- Implemented missing “Move!” VO line for Joy
- Fixed a typo in Joy’s description
- Fixed issue where some characters spawned with both there normal and the heist specific suit
Quaint to meet you good sir, I trust your heisting is satisfactory.
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community