OVERKILL visits the Auction!

Today we revisit the Shackelthorne Auction heist. Join us at 18:00 (CEST) on Twitch as we discuss the event, the new heist, and show you how to make the cocktails from the menu. You may even get a sneak peek at tomorrow’s cocktail. After some refreshments OVERKILL_symN, OVERKILL_Karl, OVERKILL_Miki and myself (OVERKILL_Tobias) will attempt the heist, let’s bet how far we will make it after a couple of cocktails.
While waiting for the stream to start, you can check out the latest cocktail recipe on the event site: ICEBREAKER[www.paydaythegame.com]
Update size: 12.0 Mb
Shackelthorne Auction
- Fixed the issue that the extra loot wouldn’t reward money at the end of the heist
- Fixed an issue where ECM jammers would cause the vaults keypad to be intractable at any time
- Moved the eastern blowtorch shelf out of the wall
- Fixed an issue where the three “Coffer” and “The Obsidian Plate” trophies wouldn’t award continental coins
- Removed floating security cameras in the sky
- Fixed an issue where the northwestern windows in the staircase wouldn’t break when enemies jumped through
- Fixed that the ladder asset wouldn’t show in-game for drop-ins
- Fixed an issue where a display case wasn’t lootable
- Updated the cocktail menu
- Corrected a typo on the “The Obsidian Plate” trophy
- Updated the Glass Cutter asset to have a capital C
When ordering a shaken cocktail from a novice bartender; mind the splash zone.
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community