PAYDAY2: Locke & Load Day 2 – 159.1 Hot fix

The second day of the event and we are out with a hotfix for the content released yesterday. The base game is available as free to play during the whole time of the event and if you own the game or plan on owning it, there is discount to the Ultimate Edition and it’s upgrade.
Today we are doing a hotfix to adjust a few issues that arose from the update yesterday. For example the Story Line feature could create dlc locked levels in multiplayer mode and Crime Spree was unavailable in offline mode. Have you guys checked the webpage yet? A little bird told me that is definitely worth checking out.
Unfortunately it’s necessary to lock the functionality to play DLC level in Story Line mode without owning the corresponding DLC to offline mode. You can of course play the level with any other player that does own the required DLC or the Ultimate Edition. The functionality to try the level via the Story Line feature is still available in offline mode. Hopefully this did not cause to much issues for people that were marked as a cheater without doing anything wrong.
I am best stealth …. at my desk, and in the office…. I’m the worst…
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Update size: 236.2 MB
- Crime Spree is now available in CrimeNet Offline again
- Fixed CrimeNet filters being accessible from CrimeNet offline, or while already hosting a CrimeNet lobby
- Fixed a text issue in the Story Line mode
- Difficulty filter will now be available with the Friends Only filter selected
- Fixed controller issues related to starting Crime Spree contracts
- Made train heist available on the general transport heists “start level” button in the Story Line mode
- Changed so that you cannot start a lobby with a level you do not own through the story line menu in online mode. (You can still start the level through offline mode though)
Via: Steam Community