Crimefest 2017 Coming up!

Hey Heisters, robbers, criminals and pro-gamers! We from the OVERKILL Crew just want to thank you for being the most awesome community ever existing! PAYDAY: The Heist has been out for six years while PAYDAY 2 just turned four! This would never have happened without the support, frustration and love that every one of you has invested during these years. With this love in mind we always try to give back big time once a year so now it’s time for Crimefest 2017!
This year’s Crimefest will be a nice adventure taking part in the northern part of the US, and when I say north, I mean fucking freezing cold Alaska! Who knows what is happening up there and what the PAYDAY Gang is up to! As usual we will have a few challenges, masks, some nice quality of life features, side jobs and maybe a new character? Since you haven’t had a Heist in a while, I will make sure you get 2!
To avoid updating problems we will follow the success of last year’s event and release content every other day and have something else every other day-day.
Do anyone even know what the icons mean !?!
So, as you might have figured out already Crimefest starts the 19th of October and stretches to the 28th of October so make sure to book that computer at your local library or tell your teacher that you need your laptop with you at all costs!
Via: Steam Community