PAYDAY 2: Halloween Update! The Prison Nightmare is live!

Hello weary heisters. Come in, rest for a while, close your eyes. Sleeeeep. When you wake up, don’t be scared, if you can.
The Necrocloaker is back and he is so very happy. His favorite pets, you, are stuck in his prison and forced to play at his game.
Spin the wheel, get your fortune or get out. But beware, this prison is where many a heister has met their doom, where dreams are crushed and lives squandered. Survive, brave heister. Don’t die.
Check out the website here![]
Tomorrow guys from our OVERKILL crew will host a stream and play the Halloween heist.
Check it out here![]
Together with the heist we’re also updating the game with a bunch of bug fixes. Check out the changelog below!
Update size: 1.4 Gb
- Fixed an issue where menu item highlight sound could be played for menu items that did not exist
- Fixed an issue at the end screen where continental coins would count incorrectly
- Fixed an issue at the end screen where continental coins count up sound could get stuck
- Added additional feedback when the player can’t afford a weapon mod
- Fixed an issue where FOV Relative Sensitivity under Controls are not affected by Default Control Options
- Fixed so player can unequip the selected equipment
- Fixed an issue where the new Heavy Zeal SWAT had no body armour
- Fixed an issue where Snipers did not count as special kills on the stats screen
- Fixed an issue where SWAT Turrets did not count as special kills on the stats screen
- Fixed an issue where Chavez did not count as special kills on the stats screen
- Fixed an issue where The Commissar did not count as special kills on the stats screen
- Fixed an issue where Biker Boss did not count as special kills on the stats screen
- Fixed an issue where Hector did not count as special kills on the stats screen
- Fixed an issue where Captain Winters did not count as special kills on the stats screen
- Fixed an issue where security guards used the Zeal Enemies VO filter when playing on One Down difficulty
- Fixed an issue where street cops used the Zeal Enemies VO filter when playing on One Down difficulty
- Fixed an issue where FBI agents and guards used the Zeal Enemies VO filter when playing on One Down difficulty
- Fixed a crash when deploying the LMG Bipod while switching weapons
- Added low resolution textures to the Concussion Grenade
- Adjusted distance between weapons for the Weapon Butt Melee option to cause less overlap
- Adjusted the animation of the Concussion Grenade to avoid a graphical issue where the grenade might replace the player’s gun
- Fixed issue where regular bows would register twice for cases of the accuracy rating on the end screen
- Fixed an issue where the crossbows did not count towards the accuracy rating on the endscreen
- Fixed an issue where drop in clients could not enter the construction yard if the wall was opened before they joined
- Fixed an issue where you could place equipment inside the wall
Big Oil
- Adjusted a door collision on Day 2
Birth of Sky
- Fixed a graphical issue with the Jukebox
Election Day
- Rotated tilted C4 interaction icons on Day 1
Golden Grin Casino
- Fixed an issue where the "Golden Grin" Trophy was only awarded in stealth
Hoxton Revenge
- Fixed an issue where Hector would wear his armor even if the panic room was opened in stealth
Jewlery Store
- Made glass shelves bulletproof to avoid floating objects
Murky Station
- Fixed an issue where the "Who’s there?" Trophy was not awarded for playing the Murky Station job
- Fixed an issue where using throwables did not fail the "Staying Alive" Trophy
Safe House
- Added variations to Bonnie’s drinking animations
- Fixed an issue with the Tier 2 Van Skins
- Fixed an issue with the particles that spawn when shooting a poster i Bodhi’s room
- Tweaked some trophy preview images that were missing proper borders
Safe House Raid
- Fixed an issue with the wave counter displaying incorrect values in between waves
- Fixed an issue where you character would duplicate on the screen when starting a Safe House Raid lobby from someone else’s lobby
Transport: Underpass
- Fixed a misplaced collision that made it possible to place deployables in the air
Ukranian Job
- Fixed an issue the "So Pretty" Trophy was only awarded in stealth
- Fixed an issue where the Overkill Skill could be triggered on civilian kills when using fire or explosive shotgun ammo
- Changed the Underdog Skill to correctly trigger on 3 enemies instead of 2
- Changed the Underdog Skill description to reflect that the enemies needs to target you for the skill to trigger
- Changed the Equilibrium Skill description to correctly show 33% instead of 80%.
- Changed the Optical Illusions Skill description to correctly show 35% instead of 45%.
- Changed the Up You Go Skill description to correctly describe an 40% increase of health received
- Fixed an issue where the bonus from Marksman: Basic did not appear in the inventory menu
Via: Steam Community