9 lokakuun 2016 - 7:11 pm

Day 3: Mafia Mask Pack!

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Day 3

Day 3 of Hoxton’s Housewarming Party is live! The Mafias of the 1900s knew how to handle their business in style. Forget about it! Kids today have no idea what it took to be a wise guy back then, no respect. Why do you need a mask? You afraid or something? But if you’re going to, might as well honor the ones that paved the way.


The Mafia Mask Pack

The Mafia Mask Pack includes four masks depicting famous mobsters from the 1900s; Charles “Lucky” Luciano, Stephanie “Madame” St. Clair, George “Bugs” Moran and of course Al Capone.

Oh, we’re also releasing four more mask colors and 45 new color sets that is available in the Card Loot Drop! Enjoy!

Check out the website here![www.paydaythegame.com]


Developer Twitch Stream

OVERKILL_Jules will play One Down together with the one and only GeneralMcBadass and his crew!

Check it out here![www.twitch.tv]

This Is Not The End!

The Party continues to the 16th of October and we will release free content every day!

And don’t forget, PAYDAY 2 and PAYDAY: The Heist plus DLCs are on a 75% sale right now and both games are free to play for the duration of the event!

See you tomorrow!


OVERKILL_Joakim the gubbe and OVERKILL_Hampe


Update 111 changelog

Update size: 45.8 Mb

  • Temporarily disabled the ability to change skins on the Escape Van in the Safe House due to some issues
    Safe House

  • Removed an animation from Chains
  • Fixed an issue with the Old Faithful trophy
  • Fixed an issue where the cameras in Clover’s Tier 3 area didn’t work
  • Fixed an issue where contours on the heisters didn’t appear for drop in clients
  • Fixed an issue where the trophy would show when it wasn’t earned
  • Burned the pink plushy
  • Added more animations to Jiro’s companions
  • Removed extra tape recorders from Jacket’s area
  • Fixed an issue where Bonnie would hover above the floor
  • Fixed an issue where Jimmy wasn’t sitting properly on his chair

    Murky Station

  • Fixed difficulty for Death Wish cams on Mayhem and above on Murky Station

Via: Steam Community

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