Update 66 and the Butcher’s Western Pack DLC is live!

The Butcher’s Western Pack is now live!
Update size if you went from the last update: 232.9 MB
Update size if you went from the beta: 596.8
Please note: the Butcher’s Western Pack was also added to the beta, hence the extra size for those who participate.
- Added the Plainsrider Bow
- Added the Repeater 1874 sniper rifle
- Added the Peacemaker .45 revolver
- Added the dynamite grenade
- Added four new melee weapons
- Added four new masks
- Added four new materials
- Added four new patterns
- Added the “The Nobel Prize” achievement
- Added the “Recycling” achievement
- Added the “Fastest Gun In The West” achievement
- Added the “Pincushion” achievement
- Added the Domination lines for Dragan
- Fixed a crash related to marking cameras when downed
- Fixed an issue related to the Molotov cocktail
- Fixed a crash related to players drop-in joining
- Fixed a crash related to the ECM Jammer
If you “suddenly” crash after the update, it’s because your game is modified. Use the threads in the forum to solve your issue. Uninstall your mods if you can’t start the game or wait until the mod developers have updated the mods to work with the game.
We’ve gotten a lot of crash logs recently that we can’t do anything about because it’s all about mods crashing your games.
If you have tampered with your game files, you’ve done so at your own risk knowing that it will affect your software.
As a last resort, e-mail us directly.
Enjoy the Butcher’s Western Pack!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community