Update 65 and The First-Person Animations Update is live!

We’re live with update 65 and the First Person Animations update!
It’s time to give the first-person animations some more love. At OVERKILL we always strive to make PAYDAY 2 as great of an experience as it possibly can be for you guys to enjoy and for us to be proud of. Having recently announced that we’ll continue working on PAYDAY 2 for at least two more years, we’re excited to get this update out the door as a testament to our continued commitment and support of the game. With this free update, we introduce a host of new and updated first-person animations for tons of weapons in the game.
Check out the website: https://www.paydaythegame.com/games/animations-update/
Update size: 561.3 MB
- Players will now be able to see the bullets in the magazines when reloading
- Updated the transparent magazine for JP36, Commando 553, Kobus 90 and UAR
- Updated the Expert magazine for the CAR-4 weapons family
- Updated the first person reload animation on most weapons
- Updated the first person shout animations
- Updated the first person equip/unequip animations on most weapons
- Updated the first person weapon butt melee attack animation on most weapons
- Updated the first person throw frag grenade animation
- Updated the first person tased animation
- Updated the first person recoil animation on most weapons
- Updated the first person cuffed animation
- Updated the first person weapon aligment
- Updated the first person sprint animation on most pistols
- Updated the first person animation when using extended mags. It will no longer clip through the players hand
- Updated the first person inspire animation
- Added more reload sounds
- Fixed a desync issue with the HE rounds on the client side
- Fixed an issue where the players sometimes couldn’t kill converted law enforcers
- Fixed an issue where the players sometimes couldn’t dominate law enforcers
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t activate the feedback on the ECM Jammer when coming back from custody
- Fixed an issue with the sound when having DMR kits attached on silenced weapons
- Fixed an issue where placing a Sentry Gun sometimes marked players as cheaters
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t complete the “Bang for your Buck” achievement with the Steakout 12G Shotgun
- Fixed an issue where some sights where attached without a rail
- Fixed an issue where some weapons clipped with the player camera when being cuffed
- Fixed an issue where the bullets in the magazine of the JP36 Rifle were faced backwards
- Fixed an issue where the team AI spawned outside the container on Armored Transport: Harbor
- Fixed an issue with the description on the body bag case asset
- Fixed a graphical issue in the loot drop screen when playing with 2560×1080 resolution
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community