Open beta for new XP system, stability fixes

We have gone live with another beta. In this beta, you get experience from objectives instead of contacts. As an example, this means that from a job like Rats, cooking bags of meth will give you more experience than if you were to blow up the lab right in the beginning. You can also now see what the minimum and maximum experience you can get from a job is when you are buying a contract. By making these changes, you are now rewarded based on how much you do in a heist.
By giving us your feedback on these beta changes, we hope to add these changes to the live game as soon as possible. If you have any feedback please tell us in the bug reporting forum threads which you’ll find here:
For feedback on the new XP system:
For feedback on the beta in general:
The open beta update size: 1,6 GB. Below are some of the hundreds of fixes.
- Fixed a collision on Rats day 1 where bags might get stuck out of the reach on the players
- Fixed an issue where the objective did not change on Rats day 1
- Added and escape icon to Rats day 2
- Fixed an issue where players could not take the loot from some safes on Rats day 2
- Moved a collision on Rats day 2 where the players might get stuck
- SWAT’s do not target the Mendozas on Rats day 3
- Changed the size of the escape zone on Cook-Off
- Fixed an issue on Hotline Miami day 1 where the next objective would not trigger if to many cars were set on fire
- Moved a collision on Hotline Miami day 2 where bags might get stuck out of the reach on the players
- Fixed an issue where players might get stuck behind doors on Hotline Miami day 2
- Improved performance on Hotline Miami day 2
- Fixed a crate that could be opened and looted through the wall on Shadow Raid
- Changed a voice line trigger on Shadow Raid to play correctly
- Fixed an issue where bags could register twice on Shadow Raid
- Removed some rocks from Watchdogs day 1
- Fixed an issue that caused one of the bags on Firestarter day 1 not to spawn
- Fixed an issue where bags do not register correctly when thrown into the fire on Firestarter day 1
- Fixed an issue where an asset you could find in day 1 of Big Oil that did not have an affect on day 2
- Fixed an issue that caused a guard to walk through the wall when detecting a player in The Bomb: Dockyard
- Fixed an issue where you could select both alarm delays on The Bomb: Dockyard
- Changed the signs on The Bomb: Dockyard
- Removed one voice Line from Jewelry Store
- Removed one loud voice line from Ukrainian job that played during stealth
- Fixed an animation issue on the power box in the Ukrainian Job
- Changed a voice line trigger and the end screen on Election Day Docks so that is should now trigger correctly
- Moved a camera on Election Day Mall
- Removed a warning sign on Election Day Warehouse
- Moved a box on Election Day Warehouse
- Fixed an unbreakable window on Election Day Warehouse
- Fixed an issue where you could pickup some ammo through the wall on Hoxton Breakout Day 2
- Fixed an issue where the evidence helicopter would arrive before the thermal drill on Hoxton Revenge
- Moved some collisions on Diamond Store where bags might get stuck out of the reach on the players
- Fixed an issue where some cameras on Framing Frame day 3 did not mark items
- Moved a wall on Framing Frame day 3 to avoid a small gap
- Fixed a navigation issue on Transport: Downtown
- Fixed a lighting issue in Transport: Harbor
- Fixed an issue where some loot in The Diamond was not lootable
- Fixed an issue where Ai Teammates sometimes were standing in the same spot
- Fixed an issue that caused Bonnies hair to clip through some of the masks after playing a level
- Fixed an issue that caused the main menu to be blurry if a lobby was closed while the player was in the inventory
- Changed the third person animation for the flamethrower
- Fixed an issue that caused some civilians to be unresponsive
- Fixed an issue that caused civilians to untie themselves
- Fixed an issue that caused Team AI to to have question marks above their heads
- NPC’s now do not trigger trip mines
- All players now take damage from trip mines not just the player that placed them
- Changed how the enemy reacts to sentry guns
- Fixed an issue with the Long-Term Relationship achievement
- Fixed an number of issues in regards to trading and custody on drop-in clients
- Fixed a crash when joining a game that is restarting
- Fixed some Jacket voice lines that did not trigger correctly
- Fixed a crash when naming a skill build using a Russian keyboard layout
- Pressing ESC in the lobby will trigger the prompt to leave the lobby
- Fixed the Dragons Breath shotgun ammo so that they can hurt shield SWAT’s
- Cloakers should now not react to HE rounds
- Fixed a crash with the Molotov Cocktail
- Changed the detection range of Molotov Cocktail
- Fixed an issue where players could pickup more the the intended amount of ammo
- Fixed the alimented of the angled sight on the Rattlesnake sniper rifle
- Fixed the alimented of the laser sights on the Brenner LMG
- Fixed an issue with the flamethrowers fuel mods not havening an effect on the damage
- Fixed an issue where durable blade did give the right amount of blade ammo to the saw
- Fixed an issue with the Raven Shotgun when using the LED Combo mod that caused the flashlight mod not to work
- Removed the bullet in the chamber of the Deagle when the gun is empty
- Fixed so the default magazine of the CAR-4, Queen’s Wrath and AK5 should show bullets when reloading
- Fixed the iron sights on AMR-16 that clipped trough the DMR kit
- Fixed the iron sights on CAR-4 that clipped trough the EMO Foregrip
- Fixed misspelling in the name of the Machete melee weapon
- Fixed an issue where Hostage Taker regenerate health would trigger more often the intended
- Fixed an issue where Partners In Crime did not work correctly
- Fixed an issue where silent drills were not actually silent
- Fixed an issue where tripmines switched back to explosive mode if the mode was switched to quickly
1) Right click on PAYDAY 2 in your Steam library
2) Go to properties
3) Go to the “BETAS” tab
4) Switch to open_beta (there is no password)
5) Press “CLOSE”
6) Download the update
7) If the download doesn’t start restart Steam
– If it crashes while you play, you can find your crash dumps (file extension .mdmp) in this folder: SteamsteamappscommonPAYDAY 2. Please share this with us by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. As subject, type “Open Beta Crash dump”
– Do not use mods if you want to report crashes. Also, please only include the absolutely latest crash log, not all crash logs you’ve ever received. Thank you!
– Participate in the beta at your own risk. You might lose your save file so please back it up before you start. This is a beta so the game might crash during play.
– If you choose to participate, please uninstall any mods you use. We can’t use your feedback if you have any mods installed, as that feedback won’t reflect the unmodified experience.
– When you play the open_beta, please note that you can only play with other open_beta participants.
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community