Update 56 and the Hotline Miami 2 update is live!

DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?! It’s time for the Hotline Miami 2 update!
Once more, OVERKILL and Dennaton Games work together to bring you something awesome. Pre-order Hotline Miami 2 or its Digital Special Edition to get extra Hotline Miami content in PAYDAY 2! You want to play as Jacket in PAYDAY 2? You want more animals in your mask inventory? Now is your chance.
Check out the website here!: https://www.paydaythegame.com/games/hotlinemiami2/
Update size: 193.9 MB
- Introducing Jacket as a playable character
- Added the Sociopath perk deck
- Added Jacket’s Piece, a Submachine gun with accompanying weapons mods
- Added the Carpenter’s Delight hammer melee weapon
- Added the Richard Returns mask
- Added the Richard Begins mask
- Added the Corey mask
- Added the Jake mask
- Added the Richter mask
- Added the Tony’s Revenge mask
- Added the Alex mask
- Added the Biker mask
- Added the Corey mask
- Added the Jake mask
- Added the Richter mask
- Added the Tony’s Revenge mask
- Added the Alex mask
- Added the Biker mask
- Fixed a clipping issue with the Balaclava mask
- Fixed an issue where players could complete “We Are Rockstars On This Job” on any heist
Do you like hurting other people? Enjoy!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community