Spring Break, OVERKILL and Completely OVERKILL Pack update

As you might have seen here: https://twitter.com/OVERKILL_TM/status/572793973959475201
The Hype Train is moving along nicely thanks to your efforts! Our thanks to everyone who jumped on and participated so far! Thanks to Dennaton Games and their fans as well for adding some much needed fuel in order to reach our destinations. To you who did not board yet… you can thank the others later. ;)
The 5 dollar OVERKILL PACK has grown a lot, not only including the Minigun, RPG, achievements, escape van and the OVERKILL mask – now it also includes a mod pack, the car shop heist plus bonus content such as Bonnie (love her or she will smack you!), SWAT enemy turret, side jobs, heist updates and the Golden Grin Casino preview that we’re shooting right now in Croatia with Lion Game Lion.
(Please note: you don’t have to own the OVERKILL Pack in order to enjoy the Hype Train rewards. For further clarification, read the FAQ on the Hypetrain website)
The OVERKILL crew is working hard on making sure we hit the deadline of releasing all this content during the Spring Break event.
By the way – here is a preview of Jacket in case you missed him.
Here is a preview of the new escape van skin in all its glory.
Here is a preview of the OVERKILL mask that you get. It’s more of a hat really, an awesome hat. Especially if you’re into fighting on the streets.
The Hype Train is about to blow through the next station, we trust you to put it there! We want to see you guys in Los Angeles, we want to give you the Hoxton Revenge Heist and we REALLY want to throw 250,000$ to the winners at PAYDAY CON this summer!
Thanks to all who understood its purpose and who supported us thus far! Lots of noise from people standing by the side of the rails – but for you 20 000 heisters that put your money where your mouth is WE SALUTE YOU. You make it possible to push this whole experience to an OVERKILL level – and you will always be able to show your loyalty to your fellow heisters.
Here are some previews of the Completely OVERKILL masks.
Here are all four of them next to each other.
So here is the news for you. Each one of you who have bought the Completely OVERKILL Pack is 1 of 50,000. Yes, that means there is a limit of 50.000 copies on the Completely OVERKILL Pack.
You all get these four masks to prove you are a true OVERKILL supporter and then…
Then there is the secret item…
It is STILL a secret. But here is how it works. YOU will each receive an in-game package from an old friend. Wrapped in true virtual aluminum. Inside is an item randomly given to you from a limited collection of 25 items. It will be rare, it will be a true PAYDAY collectible. Each item is carefully crafted with love and respect for our hardcore OVERKILL supporters. As a thanks to you from us and from the rest of the community for making the Hype Train render so much BONUS content for millions of players standing by. This secret content is still being worked on and is the only content that won’t be released during the Spring Break. It will be released when we have given it the care and love that it deserves.
At the end of day, know this – you made a 5 dollar pack increase in value to a 25 dollar pack and millions are able to enjoy it for free! Now THAT’S what we call a heist!
The Hype Train website has been updated to reflect the above changes.
A: No, as we said, the Hype Train rewards are unlocked for free for everyone. However, the DLC’s include specific rewards themselves that can only be received through owning them.
We’ll continue to work hard and make sure the items you have unlocked are as awesome as possible!
Keep those helmets flying!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community