Update 50

We’re live with Update 50 and the bundle masks!
First of all – Thank you for your support these past years. We in the OVERKILL crew salute you for your support. From us to you, happy holidays!
We’ve made a lot of content since PAYDAY 2 was released. As we look back on 2013/2014 we want to summarize all the content for any new heister who wants to join the crew. It’s easier than ever to sit down and play all the content PAYDAY 2 has to provide: just pick a bundle and get started. We’ve made the deals even more sweet by adding a natural discount to each bundle.
Each bundle comes with its unique mask; own all the heists? You get the heist mask. All weapons? The weapon mask. If you already bought these before, you get the masks automatically.
Please note: the bundles will be released later today. If you own any of the bundle content now, you can use the masks now.
Score big and bring your game completely up-to-date with every DLC we have released in a single package. The GOTY bundle sees every weapon, every heist, the Heist Bundle/Weapon Bundle masks and every track of music – all bagged and bundled into a single, easy-to-secure package.
Nemesis, as defined by the dictionary;
[ahrch nem-uh-seez]
1. Something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.: “That Chinese buffet at lunch proved to be my arch-nemesis.”
2. An opponent whom a person cannot defeat.
3. In classical mythology. The goddess of divine retribution.
4. An agent or act of retribution or punishment.
As defined by Hoxton: “That fuckin’ dozer. He’s my arch-fucking-nemesis. ‘Orrible cunt!”
Guns! Guns! Guns! You want ‘em, and Gage has got ‘em! Maybe he’s trying to clear stock, but he’s packaging ALL of his weapon DLC into a single mega-bundle. You like power at range? Well, this bundle comes with a variety of sniper rifles. Want power up close? Then the broad selection of shotguns is right here. Assault rifles, LMG’s, pistols – if Gage has it, it’s in here.
Iconic, time-travelling cyborg star of the ‘Exterminator’ movie series. In the first movie, he was sent to kill the mother of the leader of the future rebellion before she can steal the chip left by her son who was also her father… In the past. Noted for his deadpan delivery of the catchphrase “Await my return”.
The Heist Bundle brings all of our paid heist DLC together for the first time. Want a fast, loud payout? Then ambush high-paying armored trucks all across the city with Armored Transport. Or perhaps you fancy taking down the ruthless Russian mob-boss, the Commissar, in Hotline Miami? Or take on the biggest challenge yet, and roll downtown to crack the Benevolent Bank – or try stealing the Diamond from the McKendrick museum in The Diamond heist.
A Catholic nun may not seem like the obvious choice for a terrifying mask, unless you know an actual Catholic nun. In which case, you’ll know any notions of gentle, grandmotherly penguins are without merit. These bitter crones are the personification of evil, dishing out thrashings to any young buttocks within reach.
Update size: 36.0 MB
- Added the Nun mask
- Added the Robo-Arnold mask
- Added the Arch Nemesis mask
- Increased the value of the Diamond
- Fixed an issue where the alarm was triggered when the puzzle timer ended on OVERKILL and Death Wish difficulty
- Fixed an issue where the success screen voice didn’t play
- Fixed an issue where guards could detect players through bushes
- Fixed an issue where players could jump out of a window and fall through the map
- Fixed an issue where the players had to lockpick some of the windows twice
- Fixed an issue where the achievement “Diamond in the Rough” didn’t require the players to complete the heist
- Fixed an issue related to Bains voice and the power being turned off
- Fixed an issue where a waypoint sometimes appeared when waiting for the timelock in stealth
- Fixed an issue where the staircases were blocked in the Egyptian room
- Fixed a graphical issue with a carpet on The Diamond
- Fixed an issue with missing collision by some staircases
- Fixed an issue with the waypoint to the escape helicopter
- Fixed some voice over issues
If you “suddenly” crash after the update, it’s because your game is modified. Use the threads in the forum to solve your issue. Uninstall your mods if you can’t start the game or wait until the mod developers have updated the mods to work with the game.
We’ve gotten a lot of crash logs recently that we can’t do anything about because it’s all about mods crashing your games.
If you have tampered with your game files, you’ve done so at your own risk knowing that it will affect your software.
As a last resort, e-mail us directly.
A: If you already own the DLC’s, you have these masks automatically unlocked. OF COURSE we did it this way. Did you even read the announcement?!
Keep those helmets flying!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community