2 Million Heisters – The Road Ahead

2 million heisters. What can we say that hasn’t already been said. You are fantastic.
Best. Community. Ever.
Yesterday we reached 2 million heisters in our official community group here on Steam. Almost 50 updates later in PAYDAY 2 and more than 100 updates in the PAYDAY series combined, and we’re still here, shooting cops, yelling down civilians and robbing banks with friends.
On the behalf of the OVERKILL crew, I’d like to take a moment to put things in perspective.
At OVERKILL, we’re roughly 50 people working in our studio today. We’re independent, own our IP:s and have a great partnership with Skybound for our upcoming game OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead. We keep that independence because of your support. Slowly but steadily, we manage to grow one person at a time, making sure we have a multi-talented crew that are loyal to our community and our crew whilst able to keep up with your high expecations of gameplay, quality and interaction.
With you, we have a community that goes above and beyond. We’ve met you in Tokyo, San Francisco and Los Angeles, at Crimefest in Stockholm, played games with you and attended streams, chats, Q&A’s, conventions and much more.
We’ve celebrated being together for three years with CRIMEFEST, gotten old Hox back into the crew, made some unexpected collaborations, opened up a merch store, celebrated Halloween together and soon it’s Xmas again as well.
I’ve been travelling the world a lot this year, talking to other companies within the games industry and meeting with a lot of interesting people. What I’m left with after all this is the following: it’s a privilege to be in this partnership with you guys. It’s our duty to make sure that when you want to heist, we make sure we provide.
Doing a presentation in South Korea recently, explaining what we do at OVERKILL, I got a question from a game publisher: “How can you make games like this with only 50 people?”. I grinned and replied: “Because we make games for the players, not for the publishers”. I think this summarizes what we do; we focus on what matters.
I’m happy to say that we’re going to continue to focus on and support PAYDAY 2 for another 24 months. As long as you want to heist, we’ll make sure we do our end of the deal and provide the best experience we can.
We’re going to continue to mix paid DLC’s with free content. We’ll continue to improve the experience and try new things, involving you in the process.
I think this goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. On behalf of the rest of the crew: Thank you. Thank you for your support. We salute you.
Here’s to another 2 years of heists in PAYDAY 2 and 2 million more members in the community!
P.S. Be sure to click the banner above to view a Crimefest summary movie!
P.S. #2 – You think we’d let you reach 2 million without giving you guys something back? Please. ;)
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community