11 elokuun 2014 - 5:22 pm

PAYDAY 2: Update 33 is live, changelog inside.

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Hey all,

The open beta focused on network related improvements is now going live. Thanks to everyone who participated and thank you for all your feedback!

Changelog for update 33

Update size: 527.5MB

Network related

  • The update is focusing on network related changes
  • We now have network options in the start menu and ingame menu. One can choose packet throttling and compression. Packet throttling is good for those who have poor connections and want to reduce network overhead. Packet throttling is off by default. Compression costs CPU time but when enabled reduces the network traffic. The poorer the connection, the better the compression becomes. Compression is on by default.
  • Drop-in synchronization is 5 times faster.
  • We’ve optimized the use and size of the largest and most used network packets. Everyone wins thanks to this, no matter what type of connection you have.
  • To summarize, the changes will be better for those who have latency, packet loss or slow connections. The network related changes will also benefit those who have trouble-free connections.


  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash when loading the Big Oil heist
  • Fixed an issue on Diamond Store where the escape wouldn’t appear sometimes
  • Increased the reload speed of the Striker by 15%
  • Fixed a crash related to the explosive ammo type
  • Added three more money piles to the Big Bank heist
  • Fixed an exploit on Rats day one
  • Fixed an issue where windows wouldn’t break when hit by an explosive ammo type
  • Fixed an issue related to the “Shock and Awe” achievement
  • Fixed localization issues related to the Gage Shotgun Pack
  • Fixed an issue with the pre planning drawing feature so it runs more smoothly
  • Fixed an issue on the Big Bank heist where players could get stuck in the vault door

Minor graphical

  • Fixed some graphical issues on the The Spectre mask
  • Fixed some graphical issues on the The Death Wish Skull mask
  • Fixed some graphical issues on the Pumpkin King mask
  • Fixed some graphical issues on the The Specialist mask
  • Fixed some graphical issues on the The Butcher mask
  • Fixed some graphical issues on the Optimist Prime mask
  • Fixed some graphical issues on the The Crossbreed mask

Thanks for your help!

OVERKILL a Starbreeze Studio.

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