Februar 13 2014 - 2:23 pm

PAYDAY Poetry Jam competition is happening NOW!

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Get ready for the first PAYDAY Poetry Jam!

Click HERE to go to the Poetry Jam website!

Click HERE to go to the discussion board where you post your contribution(s)!

Q: Where do I post the poetry?
A: You post it in the Poetry Jam thread in the Steam forums. We will go through every contribution we find there. This is the only acceptable method in order to make sure we don’t miss any.

Q: How many tries do I get?
A: How many tases does a Taser tase? You get as many tries as you want dude. Just put some SOUL into it.

Q: Language?
A: Our judges have to understand it and it’d be cool if the rest of the community did too, so, yeah, English please.

Q: How do you define Poetry?
A: Be it in text, video, Youtube or voice, clever poetry (as definded by Wikipedia) or sarcastic anti-jokes about lack of heists – only your imagination is the limit.

Q: How do we get the masks?
A: The PAYDAY 2: Original Soundtrack on Steam will – for free – have four new masks added to it, designed by us together with the winners. These will be added as soon as we’ve finished making them, testing them and finding a good time slot to release them.

Q: If I win, how much of a mask do I actually get to do?
A: You will be able to provide concept art and have a discussion with one of our artists. Based on your ideas, we will fit the mask into the PAYDAY universe. It might look exactly like you envisioned it or it might look a little different to fit the game, it all depends. It’s up to us to make the final call, but the whole point of this award is to get your design out there for the community to enjoy. You get to name the mask as well as write the background story which will be shown in the description in-game.

Q: If I already own the PAYDAY 2: Original Soundtrack, will I still get the masks?
A: Yes, as long as you own the PAYDAY 2: Original Soundtrack on Steam, you will get the masks.

Q: My poetry was awesome but bad poetry/non-poetry won, WTF OVERKILL?
A: We select the winners we feel speak to our hearts. We believe poetry is the best when it Cloaker-baton’s you when you least expect it.

Q: How long is the competition?
A: One week, Thursday to Thursday. We’ll lock the thread when it ends and we’ll go through it.

May the best PAYDAY poet win!

OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

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