augustus 14 2013 - 8:08 am

Day two of the heisters log

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Hey everyone,

Thanks for a great release!
First of all – thanks for a great release day! We had some unfortunate issues with crashes but these were fixed as soon as we possibly could. Most of you are now playing the game and enjoying it which is great!

The ones that have issues with the game – we are actively working at looking at all the issues. Sadly, we can’t solve everything at once – and sometimes it’s not we that need to solve things, it’s the player that needs to either install the game correctly, update the GFX drivers or make sure to download the latest update.

Here are some of the things that we will look into today:

Career Criminal Edition bonuses not working
We have heard reports from community members that the “Bain’s Deal” isn’t working properly. Our QA will investigate and see what’s up.

I can’t find my Career Criminal Edition stuff! Where is it?
Community member freq has written this guide to help you out.

freq’s guide on How to get the Career Criminal Edition rewards
Thanks freq! I’ll make sure we send you something cool for your dedicated efforts.

I can’t find my Career Criminal Edition stuff! Where is it?
Community member freq has written this guide to help you out.

I still can’t get the game to work! Help!
I’m sorry to hear that – we’re doing our best to help you guys out. Meanwhile, please continue discussing solutions in Satoru’s Master list of PAYDAY 2 fixes.

Master list of Payday2 Fixes

Thanks to you Satoru as well – we’ll salute you with a little something-something.

Penny Arcade’s PAYDAY 2 comic
Funny stuff!


Alright, that’s it for now. Back to work!

Keep those helmets flying people.

OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

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