augustus 14 2013 - 9:40 am

A message regarding community behaviour

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Hello everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to show you a good example on how we at OVERKILL interact with the community.

Our ambition is always to meet you with respect. Me, together with the crew, work very hard to be consistent and give everyone a chance to speak as long as they use common sense and a civilized manner.

With the release of PAYDAY 2, a lot of new players have joined our community and a lot of discussions have come up. Sadly, some of the discussions made are very toxic and the arguments are cynical, on the verge to the extreme.

xyzevan: i was promised safehouse customization?
splinter cell lookin mofos?
a ton more heists? (half the heists are the same thing just you burn the money insted of take it IE firehouse or w.e its called)

i feel almost cheated, its a good game but it feels rushed and the heists all feel alike.

Hey xyzevan!

Thanks for the question.

First of all, I changed the subject of the thread to something more fitting than “So overkill lies?”. Questioning our honesty is something I feel is too dramatic and doesn’t add value to the discussion. It can also be perceived as hurtful – myself and the crew do our best to be as straight with you as possible. To get to work and have this on the front page isn’t exactly the best way to start the day.

Secondly – what’s going on in this thread? I am seeing PAYDAY veterans who’ve been with us from the start act like we’ve cheated them over?

How many times do I need to tell you that we are doing our best to provide you the best content we can? If you think something is missing, how many times have I kindly requested a civilized manner in the discussions?

If I go to the forums to interact with you and tell you information, bring you free content or what have you – and I’m met with this cynical type of arguments and second guessing of our intentions – how do you think I feel about coming here the next day?

And the veterans most of all – all the new members in this forum look to you on how to discuss about possible features and new content. How are they to behave if you act in such a way as you are doing?

You need to seriously reconsider the way you behave in our forums.

Now, to your questions.

– We will add safehouse customization. There are many things we would love to add, but we haven’t had time yet. I’m sorry if you expected a ton of customization at release.

– The Cloakers or “splinter cell looking mofos” have been made. We made the difficult decision of cutting them for release because they simply weren’t performing their duty as a baton weilding menace. Does this mean we will sell them later as a 10$ DLC? No, it of course does not. We will add them as soon as we are comfortable with the quality, as we have with anything we’ve made. I hope that this time, you trust us to deliver, as we have many times before.

– Half the heists are not the same, that is an extreme exaggeration.

I’m sorry to hear that you “almost” feel cheated. We try to make the best game we can. We look forward to continue interacting with the community going forward, making sure we make content that you and we want to see in the game.

The philosopher Kant said something I think is pretty cool regarding the Categorical imperative.

He said: “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.”

For me this means that, if you want there to be a great community atmosphere, it has to start with you.

Thanks for the questions and for the shocking wake-up call. If I don’t continue with a rapid response in case anyone wishes to comment my post, this is not because I’m trying to be rude. I’m simply very busy right now as there are still many people that are unable to play the game, and that has to be a priority.

OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

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