25 heinäkuun 2013 - 9:56 am

Beta update – Three big issues

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Hi everyone!

First of all – thank you! Thank you for the massive amount of feedback we’ve gotten through this Beta already.

Quick recap
In case we have some new community members who recently were invited to the Beta, bought or upgraded the Career Criminal Edition – I bid you welcome to the PAYDAY 2 Beta. My name is Almir Listo and I’m the Producer of PAYDAY 2. I’m also the one from OVERKILL that usually represents us in the community discussions.

Where is the community manager?
I don’t want to call myself a “community manager” because I don’t believe you need to managed. I do believe some of you need to be moderated from time to time, but never managed. For those of you who have been with us through PAYDAY: The Heist, you know that we at OVERKILL sit down and discuss our game with you, listen to you and more often than not implement things that we’ve agreed on.

It is my belief that you – the community members – want to discuss game development and game design with someone who actually does it, not someone who is dedicated in “handling” the community, keeping it at bay.

Status of the Beta
The Beta has already generated a lot of feedback in its first 24 hours.

There are a lot of things that currently are being discussed in the community. I’m happy to see that in most cases, the community discussion has been civilized, with respect towards one another. I also want to thank everyone who has sent me e-mails thanking us for an awesome experience. To the hundreds that yet haven’t received a reply – I’m on it and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

As you know, for us at OVERKILL, the purpose of the Beta is to test the game, gather the feedback and implement the necessary changes to any outstanding issues.

Three big issues
The three biggest issues that we will adress as soon as possible are the following:

1. FOV (Field Of View) Slider Implementation
We are currently developing a FOV slider solution for PAYDAY 2. Based on your immediate feedback this is a feature that was sorely missed from PAYDAY: The Heist. Some players experience light nasuea and sickness when playing the current FOV, which we of course sympathize with.

This might take some time but our ambition is to have a FOV Slider before release. The implementation depends on a lot of things – weapon animations, character animations and code.

2. DOF (Depth of Field) – On or Off Option
We are currently investigating the possibility for players to turn on DOF in the Options menu. We understand that some players were frustrated by the DOF and wanted it to be lessened. I don’t think it’s possible for us to create a DOF Slider. It more looks like that we will have to basically have an On/Off alternative for this.

3. Missing Skull mask and Red Dot Modification
Thanks to your e-mails and you playing the game, we have found a bug that causes some of you to not see your Skull mask or your Red Dot Modification. We are working on a solution for this that will be implemented as soon as possible.

These are the biggest three things that I know you care about. If there’s anything else that you feel we should check out that we might have missed after the first day of Beta, please tell me in the comments below.

Again, my thanks to this community for being so dedicated, civilized and caring. We at OVERKILL salute you for your continued support and your dedicated Beta testing.

Thank you! I hope you have fun durig the second day of the Beta.

OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

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