octubre 14 2016 - 9:43 pm

Day 8: Mutators!

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Day 8

The 8th day of Hoxton’s Housewarming Party is here! We’ve added mutators which enables you to make the game harder, easier or weirder. However you want it, it gets pretty crazy!



Things will get weird from here, guys. The Mutators we’ve prepared for you guys changes the game in crazy ways, so use with caution! The Hydra mutator for instance spawns more enemies from the corpse of an enemy you just killed. Maybe you want to try out the BFF Mutator where all special enemy spawns are Bulldozers and normal enemy spawns are medics?

Check out the Mutators here![www.paydaythegame.com]

To prevent situations where players who don’t want to play with Mutators accidentally joins a Mutated lobby, we changed the color of lobbies in Crime.Net with Mutators enabled. They will be pink. Glory!


We’ve also added a mask that a big part of our community wants. At least we think so, otherwise this will be really awkward…

For you out there who wants to really see the trail of bodies you leave behind in your fight for your next PAYDAY we’ve also added a Corpse Limit slider in the Advanced Video Options. A word of warning: keep an eye on your computer’s performance.


Developer Stream

Devs from our OVERKILL crew will be streaming as they’re playing with Mutators tonight!

Check it out here![www.twitch.tv]

Two Days Left!

We’ve released free content every day for eight days and we’ve got two more days planned for you. Hoxton’s Housewarming Party lasts to the 16th of October so stick around for the weekend!

And don’t forget, PAYDAY 2 and PAYDAY: The Heist plus DLCs are on a 75% off sale right now. PAYDAY 2 is also free to play for the duration of the event!

Check out the sale here!

See you tomorrow!


OVERKILL_Joakim the Just Noticed and OVERKILL_Hampe the Soon Dead


Update 116 changelog

Update size: 95 Mb

  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to not be targeted by the enemy
  • Added a Corpse Limit slider in the Advanced Video Options which enables players to increase the amount of bodies that remain on a level
Safe House
  • Moved a collision next to Jiro
  • Moved a collision in Dallas’ room
  • Fixed an issue where you could access the Side Jobs through a brick wall
  • Adjusted a poster in Bodhi’s room
  • Adjusted a weapon rack in Jiro’s corner
  • Fixed a leak in the roof so it leaks correctly
  • Fixed an issue where hits on the left Shooting Range target was registered on both counters
  • Fixed an issue with Dallas’ computer
  • Moved a weapon in Chains’ Room
    Safe House Raid

  • Fixed an issue where players could throw bags to an unreachable location
  • Fixed an issue where the objective would pop up in before the player spawned
  • Changed the damage reduction for Partners in Crime: Basic from 50% to 45%
  • Changed the damage reduction for Partners in Crime: Aced from 50% to 54%

Via: Steam Community

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