PAYDAY 2: Update 218.1 Changelog
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page…
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page…
Hello Heisters!Jiu Feng is back with his fourth and final Smuggler Pack with plenty of…
Update 218 ChangelogUpdate size: 656.18MBGeneralUpdated the “Big Mike” mask so that…
Hello Heisters!Today we have a small update with a few tweaks and we want to talk a bit…
Heisters, happy Lunar New Year!The year of the tiger is about to begin, and like last…
Hello Heisters!We are working hard on the new updates and lots of fun stuff that is just…
Update 217 ChangelogUpdate size: 345.8MBGeneralAdded a potential fix for a crash related…
Hello HeistersNow we are gearing up for another year of heisting. But first, we need to…
Update 216.2 ChangelogUpdate size: 12.8 MBHello HeistersAs mentioned in the previous…