PAYDAY 2: 1,500,000 – The ;) feature and PAYDAY: The Heist free to download on October 16th!
1,500,000 HEISTERS HOLY SHIT! We made it! YOU made it! We're 1,500,000 strong!…
1,500,000 HEISTERS HOLY SHIT! We made it! YOU made it! We're 1,500,000 strong!…
HEISTERS! Hoxtober is here and the Crimefest is nigh! On Saturday October 18…
Heisters, Holy crap! We're 1,450,000 strong! We're just 50,000 away from the final…
Heisters, Our community members love to make mods. We love that you guys mod the game…
Gang, Why are you wearing that mask? Anyway, it's time for a hotfix. Update 37.1…
Gang, $20,343.44. That's how much money we all donated to a charitable cause announced…
PAYDAY 2: Hotline Miami, all new content for PAYDAY 2 is Now Available on Steam! Do you…
HEISTERS and HOTLINERS! Are you ready? It's time to hurt people! Buy it here: …