PAYDAY 2: Update 237.1 Changelog
PAYDAY 2: Update 237.1 Changelog Update Size: 21MB Steam Specific: Added…
PAYDAY 2: Update 237.1 Changelog Update Size: 21MB Steam Specific: Added…
After more than 10 years, PAYDAY 2 will finally spread its wings and soar to a new PC platform.
Update 237 ChangelogUpdate size: 505.6MBNote that Linux users will not receive this…
Summer, sunshine and skulduggery, a perfect PAYDAY treat to be sure! We do our part to…
Hello Heisters!Another month, another PAYDAY update. This time though there isn’t an…
Update 236.1 ChangelogUpdate size: 43.85MB Fixed some issues with the Kang Arms Model 54…
Hello Heisters!The streak keeps going! Fourth month of the year brings the fourth update…
Update 236 ChangelogUpdate size: 502.1MBHeist FixesHostile Takeover - Fixed a graphical…
Hello heisters.It’s going to be a big year for us (PAYDAY 3 when?!), so of course it…