Trick or treat, heisters! Halloween is upon us, and something strange is happening in your neighborhood. The Book of the Dead is open, darkness falls across the land, and spooks and ghouls come slithering from their tombs. Do you dare face the challenge of this year's Halloween Heist?

What are we doing?
Halloween is all about dressing up and delivering sweet treats, but someone has to make those treats, right? We know that there's a spooky, dark house in the middle of the forest, and we know that there's a lab in there, perfect for cooking up a little meth. Oh, speaking of little...

Itsy Bitsy Spider
These eight-legged bastards are scary enough when they're so small they fit neatly beneath your shoe. So how scary do you think they are when they're the size of a house? Watch where you step when this hungry creepy-crawly is around, or you might end up as a tasty, crunchy snack!

Tall as a mountain, The Necrocloaker has stalked your nightmares, and his whispers, crazed and inhuman, have turned your blood to ice.
For long years he has tried to enter your realm, but now, foolishly, you have come to his.
Few return to tell the tale of meeting The Necrocloaker. Even fewer return with his treasure. Will you?

Knock, knock...
Ah! Fresh flesh! Please, step inside our Safehouse Nightmare once again. Oh, excuse the mess - bodyparts are so difficult to clean up, aren’t they? Now, do relax. Our final guest will be here shortly. We believe you know him - the Headless Titandozer? Has a thing for squishing people to a trembling jelly? His conversation is poor but - ah, someone is at the door! Stay here. We’ll go let him in….

You turned your back and believed they were gone, but a good monster always returns for more. Welcome back four scary masks…get them while they’re, well, less-than-fresh. You will earn one just for joining us on this Halloween adventure, and the other three can be gained from the loot drop.

Your favorite serial killers need more than just an axe, a knife or a glove with razor fingers. They need Bolt Cutters to quietly get into those places you thought were locked. Where you thought you were safe...

Also, with the Nightmare Realm open once more, you have the chance to get those special Halloween achievements. Just drift away to the Safehouse Nightmare. One, two, Headless Titandozer’s coming for you...

We’re also bringing back the old Halloween patterns…

And, to better help you fight the forces of supernatural darkness, we’re doubling the mask and weapon tabs in your inventory from 5 to 10!