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Gunbarrel, Nevada ain't big. It ain't big enough for a lawbreaker. It sure ain't big enough for four of 'em. And Sheriff Cloaker aims to keep it that way. If a lawbreaker comes to town, the Sheriff takes 'em out. Wild West style.
It's high noon. Sheriff Cloaker is ready. The lawbreaker is ready.... Draw!

Forget dem snake-oil elixirs. I offer the only thing that promises a long life of riches - fine iron at your side! Yes, sirree! You enjoy a long life of wealth by shortening that of the damn varmint shootin' at ya. And then yer steal his gold!
So gather 'round, an' grab this special offer – a war-chest of the finest fast-shootin', rootin'-tootin', money-makin', face-breakin' weapons that made the West so wild. Shooters! Dynamite! Blades!
Need to shoot the head off a dirty ol' rattlesnake at 100 yards? Then you, good sir, need a Repeater 1874. This lever-actioned rifle became an icon of the Old West, due to its accuracy and reliability.

For the victor, it is the symbol of war, of power and of dominance. For the loser, it is the symbol of a really bad haircut.

There's gold in 'dem 'der hills! And by hills we mean teeth. But, hills or teeth, nothing digs the gold out faster than a swinging spike of pig iron.

Nine inches of clip-point fighting steel. It's origins lie in the age of the classic pirate, but it was the famous Brawl of Carroll County (and a dozen bloodied men) that brought it wide-spread fame.

Wild West Classic
The wide-brimmed hat, the steely gaze and the scarf pulled up over the mouth. A combination so iconic, so classic and so effective that it remains the staple for gangsters and heisters everywhere.
Desert Skull
When staggering through desolate barrancas, with only thoughts for company, the last thing you want to see is the parched bones of those who went before you. Suddenly those thoughts are screams.
Apache Mystic
The West that the white men entered was a land of mystery. A land populated with civilizations of warriors, who marked themselves, their lands and their mythologies with these sacred carvings.

Kill 3 enemies with single blast of thrown dynamite.

Pick up 100 arrows.

Kill 6 enemies in 6 seconds while hip-firing the Peacemaker.

Get 10 or more arrows stuck into a bulldozer.